Monday, October 30, 2017

Not Everything In Life is Free

One common misbelief in today's society that we see politicians promising is the idea of “free stuff.” It’s something that appeals to audiences and gets people on their side. However, nothing in life is truly free. It may be free to you, but someone else is having to put in money, work, or time to get that to you freely. A hot topic that is constantly at discussion is whether or not contraception should be free. I do not think that it should be free because it doesn’t make sense economically and it imposes on people's moral beliefs. Currently the “free” birth control that we know is covered under our insurance. That means that the price of birth control for those who aren’t covered by insurance is raised because of the competitiveness. Health insurance doesn’t cover things like toothpaste, a basic health product, so why is it covering things like birth control? A first amendment right guaranteed by our Constitution is the freedom to religion. Many people do not believe in contraception for religious reasons. With our current system, people are having to pay for others contraceptives via tax dollars. That is a direct attack on their religious beliefs. If you don’t want to get pregnant or contract STD’s, refrain from sex or use a condom. Birth control is not that expensive and taxpayers should not have to pay for people to have care free sex. This would be different if it was something that humans needed to survive, but it's not. It's a pleasure that people mess around with and are forcing others to pay for.

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Blog #4

The article, discusses Trump and his nuclear weapon opinion. This article was written by Philip Leder. He went to Harvard so I’m assuming he is pretty qualified to write this however I could not find much information on him. The beginning of the article talks about what Trump has said regarding North Korea these past few weeks. He states that Trump said if needed he will “destroy North Korea” and its 25 million citizens. I think that was a good line to open up with because it really engaged the readers right away. While what Trump is proposing is horrible and inhumane it grabs the reader's attention. The writer then talks about how Trump could easily change his mind about this, create a nuclear ban treaty, and become one of the greatest american presidents. This next paragraph is not well written at all. The author jumps from a terrible quote from Trump to talking about how he could become one of the best presidents ever. It does not make sense. He also doesn’t provide an examples of evidence of trump changing his mind. The rest of the article talks about how Trump needs to take a cue from the Nobel peace prize. The conclusion is very strong because the author talks about ways americans can get involved in stopping a nuclear war. It was a good way to close because it calls you out on a personal level and gets you involved with what he is talking about. Overall I think this was a strong written article.

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Blog Post #3

I chose to critique the article, “Why Trump Won” from the CNN opinion section. It was written by Fareed Zakaria, who is a host for a tv show, and a columnist for The Washington Post and TIME Magazine. When I saw the list of who he has on his shows, I found that it was all people who are very left. There was not a lot of different opinions. However, he did have many people from around the world on his show. I would say he is well qualified to write this article. In the very beginning of the article he talks about how Trump broke the rules while running for president. I don’t think that was a very strong statement because he didn’t back it up with any examples or facts. It’s just an open statement. He should’ve followed with one or two examples of how he broke the rules. He then proceeded to follow up with four main reasons why Trump won presidency. His first reason was capitalism. I think he made a fair argument with that paragraph. The middle class has been growing leaving those who fall below behind. The second argument is weaker than the first one. It talks about cultural displacement, and how older white people are fearful of that. To me that is not a factual argument. I feel as when liberals have no other reason for failures they blame it on “old white males.” His third argument is about how Trump won because the working class revolted. He claims these workers will stick with Donald Trump even if he fails, which is a very bold statement. His final argument is about communication and how many americans only watch one news source, which is true. Overall I think this was a decent article but he lacked some of the main reasons why Trump won. One big reason I believe Donald Trump won is because he isn’t your average politician, he is different. Americans are so done with the government and wanted something different and there he was. Another reason I believe he won is because of “in the closet republicans.” The media was so against Trump that people were afraid to say they supported him. If they did they would be attacked. Therefore when asked, people didn't admit they were voting for him. Then when it was time, they voted for him. Those are two main reasons I believe Trump won presidency.

Voting On Weekends

Voting Day should be a holiday or moved to the weekend for many reasons. Currently, the day in which we vote is on a Tuesday. It has been th...