Monday, November 27, 2017

Voting On Weekends

Voting Day should be a holiday or moved to the weekend for many reasons. Currently, the day in which we vote is on a Tuesday. It has been that way from a very long time. Back in 1845, a law was passed to have voting on Tuesday because it was convenient for those traveling by horse and buggy. However, this is not longer relevant since we don’t travel by horse and buggy, and Tuesday is not the best day to vote on. It should be a holiday or moved to a weekend because the majority of the voting population works. In rare cases people can’t get off work to vote, so they are unable to participate in the election. If voting day was a holiday or on a weekend, people would not have this problem. Along with work on the weekdays, there's cases of single parents who also have to drive their kids to and from school, to extracurriculars (etc.) This takes up a lot of time on top of work, so they wouldn’t have enough time to vote. Voters who are in late high school or college are also in school all day restricting them from being able to vote. You can’t take off school like you can work, so that holds back a percentage of the voting population as well. Overall, voting on a Tuesday is very random. It should be made a holiday or moved to the weekend so more people can attend voting without the stress of missing work or school.

Voting On Weekends

Voting Day should be a holiday or moved to the weekend for many reasons. Currently, the day in which we vote is on a Tuesday. It has been th...